"Ancient and Modern Times: Embracing Change for a Better World"
अब हम उस दौर में पैदा हुए हैं जहाँ
सभी एक साथ मौजूद हैं।
-मस्तन सरवर तारार
Earlier there was Nimrud, then Pharaoh
then Yazid.
Now we are born in this era
where they
are present in the same time
Mustansir Hussain Tarr
Mustansar Hussain Tarar, you have talked about an interesting topic. In your text, you have mentioned that in ancient times, Nowruz, Pharaoh, and Yazid existed, but in today's era, we are all present together. It is true that times change, and we must move forward with that change. Together, we can create a better world where all human rights are fulfilled and no one commits injustice against others.
In today's era, we have a huge reserve of knowledge that can help us make our future days better. We need to change our thinking, actions, and attitudes so that we can work together for a better world.
Perhaps it is true that you are a poet who expresses your thoughts and experiences through your poetry. Through such poetry, you can raise your voice and inspire people towards a better world.
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