Kashfi Multani Ghazal - Urdu and Hindi Shayari Blog

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Kashfi Multani Ghazal


Kashfi Multani Ghazal

Kashfi Multani Ghazal

"शोर है हर तरफ़ सहाब सहाब,

साक़ीया साक़ीया शराब शराब।

आब-ए हयावां को मय से क्या निस्बत,

पानी पानी है और शराब शराब।

रंद बखशे गए क़यामत में,

शैख़ कहता रहा हिसाब हिसाब।

एक वही मस्त बा-ख़बर निकला,

जिस को कहते थे सब ख़राब ख़राब।

 मुझ से वजह-ए गुनाह जब पूछी,

सर झुका कर कहा शबाब शबाब।

जाम गिरने लगा तो बहका शैख़,

थामना थामना किताब किताब।

कब वो आता है सामने कश्फ़ी,

जिस की हर एक अदा हिजाब हिजाब।"

The environment is filled with clamor and clouds,

Oh cupbearer, pour more wine, the elixir that enshrouds.

What relation does the water of life have with wine?

Water is just water, while wine flows in joyous crowds.

In the Day of Judgment, the drunkards were bestowed,

The Sheikh kept calculating, never ceasing his counts.

Only that intoxicated one came forth with wisdom,

Whom everyone referred to as ruined and allowed.

When asked about the reason for my sinful ways,

I lowered my head and said, "Youth, my shroud."

As the cup slipped from my hand, the Sheikh lost his way,

He pleaded, "Hold on, hold on to the book's sacred sound."

When will that revelation, Kashfi, appear before me?

Every gesture of his carries a veil profound.

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