Learning Quote in Urdu Hindi and English - Urdu and Hindi Shayari Blog

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Learning Quote in Urdu Hindi and English

Life Learning Quote
learning quote in urdu

learning quote in hindi

The first statement highlights the importance of not being overly concerned about others' opinions and judgments. Often, the fear of what people will say or think can hold us back from pursuing our goals and dreams. By letting go of this concern, you free yourself to make choices based on your own values and aspirations.

The second statement emphasizes the significance of considering the opinion of a higher power or one's personal moral compass. It encourages focusing on living a life that aligns with one's beliefs and principles. By seeking validation and guidance from one's Creator or inner self, you can find purpose and fulfillment in your actions.

Both of these perspectives can contribute to a more meaningful and authentic life, allowing you to prioritize your own growth and happiness over external judgments.

life quotes

سپیرا ہر قسم کے اور ہر نسل کے سانپ پکڑ لیتا ہے

 مگر آستین کے سانپ سپیرا بھی نہیں پکڑ سکتا

life quote


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