Motivational Quotes in Urdu Hindi and English - Urdu and Hindi Shayari Blog

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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Motivational Quotes in Urdu Hindi and English

Motivational Quotes in Urdu Hindi and English
motivational quots in URdu hindi and english

The sentence highlights the irony of how humans create idols out of clay and worship them, even though they are just lifeless objects with no power or consciousness. The phrase "gathering of clay idols" refers to a situation where multiple clay idols are placed together, while "dust in the air" represents the sense of confusion and chaos that often surrounds such gatherings.

The phrase "sometimes humans search for eyes in them" refers to the belief that an idol with eyes can see and provide help to its worshippers. The sentence suggests that even though these idols are inanimate objects, humans sometimes become so desperate that they start looking for signs of life or consciousness in them. The sentence can also be interpreted as a critique of idol worship, pointing out the futility and senselessness of worshipping something that cannot help or guide us in any way.

بعض اوقات لفظوں کا تھپڑ،

 دل پر بہت زور سے لگتا ہے

बाज़ औकात लफ़्ज़ों का थप्पड़
दिल पर बहुत जोर से लगता है

Sometimes, the impact of words feels like a hard slap on the heart,
especially when they are profound.


The sentence highlights the power of words and how they can deeply affect our emotions and feelings. The phrase "hard slap on the heart" symbolizes the intensity of the emotional impact that certain words can have. It suggests that words can hurt just as much as physical actions and can leave a lasting impact on our emotional state.

The phrase "profound words" suggests that the impact of words is greater when they have deeper meaning or significance. This can be seen in the context of important conversations, such as discussions about love, loss, and other significant life events. The sentence emphasizes the need to choose our words carefully and to be mindful of their potential impact on others.

 خداکا بندہ وہی ہے
جو بندوں کا خدا نہ بنے

A servant of God is one
who does not become a god to other humans.

 The sentence means that a true believer in God does not assume the role of a god or try to act like a god to other human beings. It emphasizes humility and the recognition that only God is the ultimate authority and source of power. The phrase highlights the importance of being a humble servant of God rather than trying to wield power and control over others. It is a reminder that humans are fallible and should not try to take on the role of a divine being.

 The sentence means that a true believer in God does not assume the role of a god or try to act like a god to other human beings. It emphasizes humility and the recognition that only God is the ultimate authority and source of power. The phrase highlights the importance of being a humble servant of God rather than trying to wield power and control over others. It is a reminder that humans are fallible and should not try to take on the role of a divine being.

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