Hindi Sad Shayari Two Line - Urdu and Hindi Shayari Blog

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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Hindi Sad Shayari Two Line

Hindi sad shayari two line 

"Sad Shayari is a way to express the sorrows and grievances that every individual carries in their daily life. To convey your true feelings of sadness, it is essential to concentrate and let your emotions flow through your words. We have a collection of exclusive sad shayari that can only be found on our page. So, make it a daily routine to visit our page and read the latest sad shayari by the Urdu Hindi Poetry Corner community. The two-line sad shayari in Hindi and Urdu and English with explanation, posted on our page are so impactful that they will leave you in tears. You may search the internet, but you won't find this kind of unique information anywhere else."

hindi sad shayari two line

This couplet is from a poem by Krishan Bihari Noor, a renowned Urdu poet from India. The poet describes standing alone, listening to poetry while everyone else got lost in their own desires, indicating how people tend to become self-absorbed and forget the beauty and power of literature and art. The couplet highlights the importance of taking a moment to appreciate the arts and literature and not losing oneself entirely in one's own desires and pursuits.

تم مجھے چھوڑ کے جاؤ گے تو مر جاؤں گا
یوں کرو جانے سے پہلے مجھے پاگل کر دو
بشیر بدر

If you leave me, I will die,
So drive me crazy before you go.
-Bashir Badr

तुम मुझे छोड़ के जाओगे तो मर जाऊँगा
यूँ करो जाने से पहले मुझे पागल कर दो
बशीर बद्र

 This couplet is from a poem by Bashir Badr, a renowned Urdu poet from India. The poet expresses the intensity of his love and attachment to his beloved, and his fear of being unable to survive without them. He implores his beloved to make him crazy with love before leaving, emphasizing the depth of his emotions and the importance of their presence in his life. The couplet portrays the power of love and the extent to which it can consume a person's thoughts and emotions.

کر رہا تھا غم جہاں کا حساب
آج تم یاد بے حساب آئے
فیض احمد فیض

कर रहा था ग़म-ए-जहाँ का हिसाब
आज तुम याद बे-हिसाब आए
फ़ैज़ अहमद फ़ैज़

I was calculating the grief of the world,
Today, your memories came unaccounted for.
-Faiz Ahmed Faiz

This couplet is from a poem by renowned Pakistani Urdu poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz. The poet expresses that he was occupied with the sorrows and troubles of the world but suddenly, memories of someone special came flooding into his mind, overwhelming him with emotions beyond calculation. It portrays the power of memories and how they can suddenly take over a person's thoughts and feelings, surpassing all worldly sorrows and calculations.

عزیز اتنا ہی رکھو کہ جی سنبھل جائے
اب اس قدر بھی نہ چاہو کہ دم نکل جائے
عبید اللہ علیم

Love someone so much that your heart can bear it,
Do not desire so much that it takes your last breath.
Abid Allah Aleem

अज़ीज़ इतना ही रक्खो कि जी सँभल जाए
अब इस क़दर भी न चाहो कि दम निकल जाए
उबैदुल्लाह अलीम

This couplet is from a poem by Abid Allah Aleem, a renowned Urdu poet from Pakistan. The poet advises us to love someone deeply but also cautions us not to desire excessively to the point where it becomes detrimental to our own well-being. The couplet emphasizes the importance of striking a balance in our emotions and desires, so that we can love without losing ourselves in the process.


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