Mir Taqi Mir Last Shayari - Urdu and Hindi Shayari Blog

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Mir Taqi Mir Last Shayari

Mir Taqi Mir Last Shayari of his life

Mir Taqi Mir Last Shayari

"उर्दू के महाकवि मीर ताक़ी मीर ने अपने घर का सिलसिला खामोशी से चलाया और अपनी बेटी को जहीज़ में सब कुछ दिया। उसकी शादी की रात, किसी ने उसकी बेटी से कहा कि तेरे बाप ने 'तेरा घर बनाया अपना घर गिराकर'। इस झटके को सहने में असमर्थ, बेटी ने शादी की रात ही इस दुनिया को छोड़ दिया। अपनी बेटी को देखकर, मीर ताक़ी मीर ने कफ़न की चादर हटाई और अपने जीवन का आखिरी छंद कहा।

अब, एक ख़याल आया है इस दुखद स्थिति में,
तुम्हें विवाह के कारण कफ़न देना भूले गए थे।

समाज में सरलता और सहजता पैदा करने का प्रयास करें!!! कम मुश्किलें होंगी।
सरलता बनाओ ताकि तुम पर भी सरलता आए। (Quran)"

The great poet of Urdu, Mir Taqi Mir, silently conducted the business of his home and gave everything to his daughter in dowry. On the night of her wedding, someone told the daughter that your father had 'built your home by demolishing his own.' The daughter couldn't bear this shock and passed away on the wedding night. Mir Taqi Mir, upon seeing his daughter and removing the shroud, uttered the last verse of his life.

Now comes the thought, O beloved, in this thoughtless act,
I forgot to give you the shroud for the articles of marriage.

Let's strive to create ease and simplicity in society! There will be fewer difficulties.
Create ease so that ease comes upon you too. (The Quran)"

In the face of such tragedy, Mir Taqi Mir expressed the profound impact of societal pressures and expectations on individuals, especially in the context of marriages. The poignant lines reflect the sacrifice and burden he bore for the sake of fulfilling societal norms. The mention of "building a home by demolishing his own" underscores the sacrifices parents make, sometimes at the cost of their own well-being.

The subsequent lines carry a powerful message advocating for societal change. They encourage the creation of an environment that fosters ease and simplicity, ultimately reducing the challenges people face. The reference to the Quran emphasizes the importance of facilitating a life of ease for others, echoing the Quranic principle of promoting kindness and making life easier for fellow human beings.

In essence, Mir Taqi Mir's verses serve as a poignant commentary on the weight of societal expectations and the dire consequences they can have on individuals. The call for societal change and the pursuit of simplicity resonates as timeless themes that urge us to reevaluate and prioritize compassion and understanding in our interactions with one another.

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