یہ ہی شیرنی و تلخی طبیعت سیر کرتے ہے - Urdu and Hindi Shayari Blog

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

یہ ہی شیرنی و تلخی طبیعت سیر کرتے ہے


2 line poetry

This lioness and bitterness roam in nature
 Sometimes your bitter tone, sometimes your raisin words

Is there any question that is not difficult like you?
Is there any answer that is easy like you?

Nina Arif



The poem is about the duality of human nature. The speaker is describing someone who is both sweet and sour, kind and cruel. They are a complex and enigmatic person, and the speaker is both fascinated and frustrated by them.

The poem is written in Urdu, which is a language that is known for its rich and expressive vocabulary. The speaker uses a variety of metaphors and similes to describe the person they are talking about. For example, they compare the person to a lioness, which is a symbol of both strength and danger. They also compare the person's words to raisins, which are both sweet and sour.

The poem is a beautiful and evocative exploration of the human condition. It is a reminder that we are all complex and contradictory creatures and that there is no one easy answer to the question of who we are.

I hope this translation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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